How MAP Enforcement Works

How MAP Enforcement Works

Amazon minimum advertised price (MAP) enforcement, has become a much-discussed concept for brands that work with third-party resellers. MAP allows brands to recoup their production cost as well as to protect their brand’s reputation. The concept is simple: brand owners set the minimum price at which their products can be sold and third-party retailers are expected to follow those pricing guidelines. However, some retailers don’t adhere to the set pricing policy called MAP, Minimum Advertised Price.  This not only hurts your profits, but it also devalues your brand. Fortunately, many major markets like Amazon have a MAP enforcement system. Here is what you need to know about Amazon MAP Pricing:



How Is MAP Set?

 The brand owner will set the MAP price. In most cases, the goal for MAP is to be low enough that it is appealing to consumers, but high enough to ensure profits for the brand owner. For Amazon, a brand owner may be able to list the MAP so that all third-party resellers are aware.

MAP For Resellers

As an Amazon reseller, it is important to follow MAP pricing policy for all products. If Amazon MAP pricing policies are not listed for your brands and products, it is best practice to contact the brand owner for their MAP pricing policy.

When Is MAP Enforced?

Typically, MAP is enforced when a brand owner finds that their product is being sold below their set MAP price policy. In this case, the owner will then contact the appropriate channels at Amazon to resolve the issue. For instance, if an Amazon third-party reseller is ignoring MAP pricing policy, the brand owner can contact Amazon and file a claim. Then, Amazon would address this with that third-party reseller.

MAP pricing enforcement is one of the many ways that you can protect your brand. However, combing through third-party pricing on a regular basis may not be the best use of your company’s resources. This is where Amazzia comes in. Call us today to see how we can help protect your brand!



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