Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner. Have you started the countdown yet? There are only a few days are left before the holiday season officially starts and it is time to make sure your Amazon store is ready. Here are a few things you can do to prepare.
Know your E-commerce calendar
Even though Black Friday and Cyber Monday could be considered “The Super Bowl of Sales Season”, retailers have become more aggressive over the years and have introduced new holiday promotions and advertisements to maximize their profits. Being aware of your e-commerce sales holiday calendar is important so you do not miss out on any opportunity that your competitors may actually utilize against you.
Here some of the most important Q4 e-commerce sales holidays for 2018 that you shouldn’t miss:
– Halloween – Oct 31 (Halloween is actually the 4th largest day for online holiday sales. Who knew?)
– Thanksgiving – Nov 22
– Black Friday – Nov 23
– Cyber Monday – Nov 26
– Green Monday – Dec 10
– Free Shipping Day – Dec 16
It is best to prepare for these holidays well in advance so that you can be sure to the most of the entire season and maximize your earning potential.
Do your homework
Preparing for the holidays could be tricky and overwhelming, so make sure you have a plan in place. Studying your competitors’ strategies and reviewing your own previous holiday season sales numbers can help you improve your sales projections accurately. Take a look at last year’s sales to get an idea of the volume and velocity your products might be selling and check your competitors moves to identify possible customer trends.
Are Your Product Listings Looking Their Best Or Can They Look Better?
The holiday season is the perfect time for your product listings to shine!
Make sure your product pages are fully optimized to maximize your conversion rate. It is considered a good practice to upload holiday pictures of your product and update your backend keywords including terms such as “Cyber Monday”, “Black Friday”, “holidays”, etc.
Prepare your advertising strategy well in advance
During days like Cyber Monday, millions of customers look for the best deals online and are ready to spend their money. This presents a huge opportunity for sellers who want to maximize their profits this holiday season. This creates an increase in advertising competition and as a result an increase in cost. Plan your strategy in advance, be aware of Amazon deals submissions deadlines, and allocate your advertising budget wisely!
Inventory, Inventory, Inventory!
During Black Friday and Cyber Monday days, billions of customers are shopping online to finally buy those items that they have waiting for all year! You want to make sure that you will have enough inventory to accommodate all your customers’ requests!
Consider the option to switch to FBM When You’re Low On Inventory
In case you do run out of inventory, you may consider the option to temporarily switch back your account to FBM (Fulfilled By Merchant) in order to keep taking the orders. When you know your inventory will arrive within 30 days, you can then switch back to FBA and fulfill all the back orders. This strategy requires a big effort, but it is a good solution when you would otherwise lose sales.
Feeling a little bit overwhelmed? Don’t worry! Here at Amazzia, we are specialized in guiding our clients on the path to success, maximizing their potential and supporting them even during the craziest and merriest of times!